Green Eyed Records


Green Eyed Records is a music resource and platform that helps empower artists to help develop and communicate their own creative voice to their chosen audience. Unlike the traditional record company model, GER fiercely believes in artist independence, working collaboratively rather than “working for a record company” where the artist is all too often creatively and financially disadvantaged.

GER embraces all styles of music, the perfect home for all those artists who are told they “don’t fit in” with the stereotypical record business cookie cutter templates.

The central aims are –

  • To help artists find their chosen audience.
  • To help bring music into the world through artist collaboration and cooperation.
  • To work in an ethical and respectful manner, with each other to mutual benefit and agreed agendas.

Check for all GER Live Events Here

 Check out this fascinating interview with Jim Glennie founder of James here 

Check out our growing FB group here